

I Am Enough!

This has taken me years to realize.. Years of trying to please others and to win their approval… to be pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough, talented enough, GOOD ENOUGH… and the list goes on… What I KNOW to be true is that God created me and He does not make mistakes. I have a

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yoga instruction near me

Follow Your Heart

We can go through life getting caught up in our daily activities while denying and suppressing our dreams so much that we lose track of what they are. Take the time to pay attention to your inner wisdom and your deepest desires. Then commit to yourself, acknowledge your goals, believe in them, speak them and

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Yoga – The Trifecta

One might think that yoga is nothing more than than simply stretching or relaxing. However, a 30-minute yoga session can give you the three key components of a complete workout routine, which are cardiovascular, strength endurance and flexibility training. With the right yoga practice, you will work every muscle in your body. You’ll be moving

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You Are Worthy

One of the oldest lies we tell ourselves is that we are not enough. This one thought is more destructive than imaginable. It kills dreams, robs joy and blocks love. We are not perfect and that’s life. We are each are our own beautiful part of the universe; here for a reason, with a purpose…

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